How To Play Scales Using Groupings

Have you ever played or memorized a scale before? If you have you more than likely look at something like the example below. 

Many guitarists initially learn scales in a vertical fashion, moving up and down from string 6 to 1 and vice versa. And there is nothing wrong with this method of practicing scales. 


Training scales vertically have limitations. One major drawback is that it doesn't develop quick navigation across the fretboard. Also, memorizing numerous scale shapes can be time-consuming and overwhelming. 

An efficient alternative involves using what I call "groupings." This technique focuses on small segments of scales (typically 4-6 notes) and finding all their positions on the guitar neck. 

For instance, when playing in the key of D major, you can select a sequence of 4-6 notes from the scale and identify every location where this pattern repeats on the fretboard. To go deeper into this concept, watch me explain this in-depth in the video below.